Apple Releases Four New Apps for iMessage; Here’s What We Know

Written by | Jul 6, 2016 4:00:00 AM

And so it begins.

Last month we covered Apple’s announcement that beginning with iOS 10, the company’s closed apps would be open to developers. We were particularly interested in what could happen with iMessage, as each and every new add-on could pose a serious threat to third-party messaging apps that rely on features beyond basic text messaging as a differentiator. 

Now, the first domino has fallen. Late last week, Apple released its first four sticker packs—Smileys, Hearts, Hands, and Classic Mac—for iMessage[1].

Here’s what we know so far.


Essentially a slightly more sophisticated version of emojis, Smileys lets user send animated yellow faces to one another. Apparently, you can “peel and place these animated emoji stickers on anything in your conversation — bubbles, images, or even other stickers.” Though, it’s not very clear how one goes about “peeling.”


If little yellow faces aren’t your thing, you can always opt for animated tickers. Again, you can “peel and place” them wherever your heart[2] desires.


By now you get the idea. My only question is why Apple chose to use the final boss from "Super Smash Bros. 64" as inspiration.

Classic Mac

Because no one could ever truly express themselves without a sticker of a dead Macintosh.

[1] Developers with iOS 10 beta access can download now. The rest of us will have to wait to the fall

[2] Ha ha, get it?