
Top Apps of the Week: 7/2-7/8

Jul 08, 2016

Jul 08, 2016

Let's take a look at the most notable apps of the week.

Rising Apps of the Week:

iOS: Hoverboard Simulator—Night Drive

NPR reported earlier this week that nearly 500,000 hoverboards were recalled because of the risk of fire or explosions. While it would be fun to think the news forced users to seek out safer alternatives to their attention-seeking hobby, in truth, it’s much more likely the uptick in downloads was the result of a UA campaign running in conjunction with the release of version 1.0.6.


Google Play: Turbo Cleaner

Though inauspicious in its beginnings, Turbo Cleaner, “a reliable memory & speed booster, Android optimizer, and battery saver,” has surged of late, no doubt helped by a number of five-star reviews. This one looks to be around for a while.


Falling Apps of the Week: 

iOS: Fandango Movies

One would think that summer blockbuster season would be a boon to movie apps, but Fandango Movies, much like the box office itself, has been on a steady decline.


Google Play: Forge of Empires

The much ballyhooed strategy game saw a significant slide in downloads over the past week, which appears to be the result of a disastrous, bug-addled update. Another update (read: patch) was released late this week, so we’ll be sure to monitor download volumes to see whether or not the decline was just a minor setback.


Breakout Apps of the Week:

iOS: Don’t Be Squared

If the “endless runner” category of games isn’t oversaturated already, it’s damn near close. Still, Don’t Be Squared came out of nowhere this week to claim our iOS Breakout App of the Week. Though, whether or not it sustains that success is questionable.


Google Play: Can You Dab?

Somehow, someway “dabbing” is still relevant, and this platform game has capitalized. What’s next? A“stanky leg”-inspired strategy game? A “Harlem Shake” RPG?


Top New Apps of the Week


Rather depressingly, we've yet to hit peak emoji. The latest craze being "The Secret Life of Pets" tie-in PetMOJI, which allows users to make custom emojis ofwait for itpets. 


Google Play: Gordon Ramsay Dash

Gordon Ramsay is Google Play's personality du jour. His app is the latest in a line of widly (inexplicably?) successful celebrity-endorsed apps.


Four KPIs to Measure Mobile App Success